Yahoo Site Explorer meets Bing Webmaster Central


It is a happy hour for webmasters who aim to get high quality traffic searches originating on Yahoo. Yahoo and Microsoft Search Alliance have announced that Yahoo! Site Explorer team is planning for tighter integration between Site Explorer and Bing Webmaster Central.

Yahoo Bing

Later this week, in US and Canada markets, Organic search results on Yahoo will start to be powered by Bing. So, Webmasters should familiarize themselves with Bing Webmaster Central Tool.

As of today you should provide your site information to Yahoo! by using site explorer. Because, in many parts of the world, Yahoo systems still continue. The transition across all markets will complete by early 2012.

The objective of this partnership is to provide innovative and new features to webmasters. Now webmasters can have richer analysis of their organic search traffics from Yahoo and its partner sites.

How are your prepared for this?

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