Why Work With A Web Designer?

Web Marketing

Your website is the front face of your organisation in the digital space. And this digital space is fast becoming the most significant space in which you operate.

But when it comes to web design, many small businesses don’t act as if it is. Even though they would never dream of setting up their own server system for example, when it comes to their website, anything goes. But given the importance of websites to business, this doesn’t seem rational.

Businesses should take their websites seriously. Very seriously. In fact, just as they’d hire outside help to do other specialist tasks, they should do the same for web design.

In this post, we’re going to look at the top reasons why you should work with a web designer from a reputed and reliable web design agency. Let’s get started.

They’ll Make Your Business Appear More Credible

Good web design goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about building trust with your customers. Development, in this context, isn’t confined to specific technologies or platforms; it’s about creating a digital experience that connects with your audience.

An agency that specialises in web design Melbourne (and other locations too!) will be great at making sure that visitors know that there is a real person behind the content on your site. They’ll use both text and images to engage your visitors in ways a bot, or a template, can’t. This can help to give your website an extra degree of character or charm, and can help significantly in drawing potential customers in.

Take an example of Hot Wheels, a popular American brand among children since 1960 for making their hot wheels cars – the die-cast toys. The company has inspired the design world with their special heavy heap typeface ‘Hot Wheels font’ to establish freshness, creativity, and legacy. Interestingly, the font is available in TTF format and free for all to use which makes customer engagement sociable and fun.

When customers arrive at your site, they want to see something that looks professional. Life is too short to dig around to try and find out whether the company behind an ugly website is worth their time. So it’s important to get the design nailed first time around.

Professional designers will be able to make a startup or a small company look just as good as the bigger players. You’ll be able to hold your own in among the competition, rather than looking home-made or second rate.

They’ll Convey Your Trustworthiness

Have you ever visited a website that looked like it had been generated by a bot? You couldn’t quite put your finger on the problem. But something tipped you off, and you didn’t feel the same about the website. Without a human in the loop, things didn’t feel personal or meaningful.

Web designers are great at making sure that visitors know that there is a real person behind the content on your site. They’ll use both text and images to engage your visitors in ways a bot, or a template, can’t.

They’ll Help You Get Ahead Of The Competition

In business, first impressions matter a lot. Even in real life, it’s almost costless for consumers to find alternative places to get the services they want. But on the internet, it’s as simple as typing another web address in the search box.

That means that your website has to look amazing and be easy to use first time around if you want to stand a chance of capturing that business.

They’ll Mine Useful Data

Web design firms, like CandidSky, emphasise the importance of using data to drive business. Why? Because data tells you an awful lot about your customers, their habits, and their desires.

Good web designers will incorporate easy-to-use data analytics into their web designs. They’ll give you the tools to monitor all that data too so that you can make the right strategic decisions.

Web Designers


They’ll Make It Unique

One of the biggest problems that companies face is differentiating themselves from the competition. But nothing is more generic than using a website template builder.

Website builders are quite restrictive. And unless you’re an expert designer yourself, hard to make original. Web designers tend to have far more flexible tools. And as a result, their work tends to be a lot more varied. That’s good news if you want to make something that truly reflects your brand.

They’ll Make Your Site Search Engine Friendly

Not all, but a lot of your business will come to you via search engines. Potential customers will type in few keywords about what they want into Google, and a load of candidate sites will be returned.

As a business owner, you want one of those sites to be yours. And you want your site to be on the first page of results at least, if not the top result. Although web design is separate from SEO, web designers tend to be good at doing their part to make your site search engine friendly.

This includes doing things like optimising it for mobile and including the relevant keywords.

They’ll Make It Easy To Read

Sometimes when you go to a website, the content is difficult to read. Often, you’re presented with a wall of text with no paragraphs.

First off, this looks unprofessional. But it’s also difficult to get through. Web designers have a good sense of how to organise text on the page. They know how to strike a balance between white space and text. And they can make what once looked like big walls of text into something that is pleasant to read.

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