Top 5 Gadgets of 2015


For the individual who needs to be the first one to own the latest gadgets, what are the top 5 gadgets of 2015 to consider purchasing? Of course the year is still not over, and new gadgets are being introduced on a daily basis, so how do you know what to invest in, and which ones you should forego purchasing. Up to this point in the year, these are the top 5 gadgets of 2015 that you should already own, or consider investing in, if you are the true gadget junkie.

1. Surface 3

surface 3
Microsoft finally caved in and introduced the cheaper version of the ever popular Surface 2 model. It is lighter, smaller, uses a powerful ARM processor, and gives you the functionality of a tablet, with the features of a laptop, in this true hybrid device. Kickstand, touch screen, stylus pen, toggle from screen to screen, watch or create a video, and fully immerse yourself with the great features this mini device has to offer to the true techie.


2. LG G4

The truly jaw-dropping bezel-less screen is only one of the many features you are going to marvel at on this device. With one of the best smart phone cameras on the market today, a truly sleek and detailed body design, and one of the highest resolution displays which has been set to a smart phone, looks are truly impressive with this lightweight smart phone model. It has a removable battery and expandable memory as well, which makes it the only true flagship smart phone with these features which is worth investing in to date.


3. Pebble time

 Although the Apple watch came out this year, this company was its predecessor and in fact, one of the first companies out there to develop a truly spectacular smart watch for owners to enjoy using. Great battery life, online and offline features, and a truly spectacular price point, are only a few of the features which are making this one of the most highly purchased gadgets in 2015, and a smart watch which truly outshines even the Apple product, which is far pricier. The newest model offers a streamlined body, unique design, and new software and hardware, which are faster, more productive, offers more apps, and allows users of Android and other operating systems, to truly get the most out of this small, sleek looking smart watch.


4. Amazon Echo

 Initially, it was offered on an “invite only basis” to certain Amazon Prime Members. Today, it is available for anyone who wishes to own this cool looking, sounding, and performing device in 2015. What can you do? Set an alarm with voice command. Set up your playlist for your workout the next morning? Check the weather with the touch of a button or a simple question which you ask to the Echo. It offers many “Siri” like features, but it is not nearly as pricey as an iPhone, nor is it nearly as sassy as Siri is with some of her answers to the questions you ask. It is sleek, it is slim, and can easily be set up anywhere in the home.


5. Apple Watch

 We love it, we hate it, we talk about it, contemplate, and eventually purchase it. No matter what Apple throws out there, even when it is insulted and called “a waste of money,” still seems to sell quickly and easily. With the ability to connect with your iPhone, check messages with a simple voice command, leave a text via voice command, check emails, set up a calendar, or simply check the time, the Apple Watch is another must have item on the list. If you are an avid Apple purchaser, or simply love owning the latest and most desirable gadgets on the market, then this is one of the many items you are going to invest in this year.

Regardless of the things you plan on doing, what you enjoy, or what type of gadgets you use regularly, these are a few of the hot items this year, and must have items to date in 2015. So, for the true pioneer, and the individual who always has to have the latest gadgets before their friends or family members purchase these items, these are the top 5 gadgets of 2015 for you to consider making an investment today.

Can’t quite afford what you want just yet? You might want to consider spreading the cost by using a pay monthly/weekly payment plan from an online store like Argos, Littlewoods or JD Williams. For more information, check out Techcred.

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