Six Ways You Can Stand Out When Networking


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When it comes to attending a networking event as a small business, your primary goal is to make sure you stand out so you can be seen by the right people. The whole reason you are attending a networking event is so you can get your business out there, and meet new customers, and other business owners.

So, how do you stand out and ensure you make good connections when you are networking?

Why Should You Be Going To Networking Events?

Some business owners love attending events for others it can make them feel nervous so they hate them. However, networking events can give you invaluable opportunities to forge valuable partnerships, grow your professional network, and expand your business. They can also be fun if you give them a chance.

That being said, when there are a lot of people in one room, all trying to achieve the same, stand out, meet, new connections, and make a great impression a networking event can be challenging. It is, however, a necessary part of a business because you need your business to be in people’s minds when they need something.

Let’s look at some of the best ways you can stand out and be remembered at your next networking event:

Six Ways You Can Stand Out When Networking

Before you think about the ways you can stand out you need to set a business goal. It’s not clear enough to say you want to go to an event and meet some good new connections. You need to be clear and define what ‘good’ means to your business. What do you need from someone for them to be a ‘good’ match? Knowing exactly who you want to meet when you go to a networking event you can go with a memorize checklist and start working on standing out to the right people. You need to keep your goal in mind then use these tips:

Learn To Shift The Focus

The last thing you want at a networking event is for everyone to end up in general chit-chat. You won’t achieve anything from this. Although it can be nice to get to know your clients and other businesses on somewhat of a personal level, a networking event is all about getting them to know your business and how you can meet their requirements and vice versa. This means you need to learn how to shift the focus back to relevant topics. Allow people to have a chat but if you feel as though the conversation is getting too far away from the purpose of the event. Try to chip in with relevant points that can also lead back to the real reason everyone is there. A great way of doing this is to have a handful of ‘hot topics’ to hand such as AI and what their thoughts are on using it for their business. The idea is to get them back to talking about them or their business.

Go Armed With Branded Gifts

A fantastic way to get yourself to remember is to take some branded promotional gifts with you. They could be lanyards, notepads, pens, tote bags, and more. This company is a great place to have a look at what is available. If you take something like this with you to any networking event it heightens your chance of being remembered. People may use your notepad at work or have your pen in their bag and it’s just a gentle reminder that they spoke to you and they will then hopefully remember how you can help them.

Genuinely Listen

One of the easiest yet effective ways to make sure you are remembered at a networking event is to ensure you are a genuine listener. It can be easy to just sit back and zone out, however, it is important for you to be an active listener and engaged in the conversation. You should show a genuine interest in the conversation and ask relevant questions about the challenges they’re facing their business, and their goals. When you actively listen and participate in the conversation with relevant questions and answers you can show them you can build a meaningful connection. When people feel like they have been heard and understood they are more likely to remember you.

Dress Smart

Each event will have its own dress code. You should be comfortable and wear something you like but also fit in with the dress code of the event. When you attend a networking event your appearance is a representation of your business and brand image. When you wear something that you are comfortable in you will radiate confidence and be more approachable. If you stick to your fashion sense and the dress code then you will be more memorable. If you dress in something you aren’t confident in then you are likely to be less approachable and might not be as confident when talking to people.

Make Sure You Are Aware At All Times

Networking events can be exhausting and you will likely feel as if you are ready for bed when you get home, however, if that is the case it means you have done a great job. You need to stay aware and switch on the entire time you are there. If you don’t you risk doing or saying something that isn’t good for the business or missing something important. If you are having a hard time, are feeling overwhelmed, or someone has got on your nerves try leaving the eventy for a small break. Likewise, you need to make sure you are still switched on when you are leaving the event, you could see someone at the train station, cut someone up when leaving the car park, or have someone see you drinking/smoking after the event. These aren’t the best situations to be in. It’s best to be professional and aware of how you are being viewed until you get home.

Feel More Prepared For The Event

One of the best things you can do is be prepared for the event. Do your research about the people and businesses that are going to be there. Make a mental note of any issues or challenges they may be facing at the moment and come up with some solutions. You should also make a mental note of the people that are a ‘must talk to’. You can then make these your priority when it comes to planning your time. It might be a good idea to plan a bit of a rough schedule. Although you likely won’t be able to stick to it, it’s a good idea to set yourself time limits so you can talk to everyone you want to.

Another great way to be prepared is to create business cards to hand out. At the end of a conversation, you can hand out your business card. You can also hand your business card to the people who you didn’t manage to catch and arrange for a separate time to have a conversation. This could be at a private meetup or remotely.

As you can see networking events can give you the chance to expand your connections, show off your skills, and build a memorable impression. When you are genuine listeners, using materials like pens and notepads, prepare, and stay aware you should be able to create a memorable image of your brand.

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