Improve your business with web timesheet


Do you find it difficult to track your employees’ performances? Do you think that the recruitment agency you are working with is not offering correct data? Find out are they still stuck with paper timesheets. Is it for this paper time sheets they are incapable to offer you accurate and timely data? Why don’t you ask them to replace paper based system with timesheet portal?

 time sheet dashboard

You will also be benefited from online timesheet in many ways. You can

  • Track your employees’ performances:

Automated time sheet will offer you seamless information about your employee. You can get detail of their daily performances- the time they have logged in, logged out and total time they have delineated to work.

  • Calculate your return from the project:

You can tally the cost you have to incur for a project and the return that you will receive from it. You can avail the cost of all the employees that you will require to carry out this job.

  • Submit expenses online
    Employees can submit expense forms online for approval using Timesheet Portal. You can also sanction it online.
  • Preserve records:

You can maintain all records regarding payments and performance time of your employees. This will be a great help in rating them at the time of appraisal.

If you think that generalized timesheet is not a perfect solution for your business, ask your service provider for a customized version. Many companies tailored their services according to their customers’ needs. Even you can integrate this online timesheet portal with other departments; especially administrative section. This will reduce your burden of maintaining large administrative unit.

Web based recruitment timesheets simplify the process of your business, saves time and your money.

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