How To Choose Best WordPress Plugins for Your Websites


Ecommerce is growing by leaps and bounds and as a result of that we have varieties of platforms for developing the ecommerce websites. With the different platforms to choose from, ending up with the best one may be a dilemma for many. However, those who have used WordPress for developing their website or blogging will never feel worrisome. As they know WordPress offers high-class features for all businesses to promote their products.

Merely creating or setting up an ecommerce website is never going to bring in more revenues for your business. People expect more sophistication and easy-to-shop experiences while buying their products, which many websites fail to cope up. In order to meet the customer demands, expanding the features of your site is the best way to reach out customers from all corners. What does WordPress offers for expanding your business? It is the question drilling the minds of many! Well! WordPress has answers to all your questions and has come up with some attacking solutions in the form of extensions, on adding which your business will be able to go the extra mile.

 Here, I list 7 Interesting plugins, and in what way they assist in improving your business.


 1.  SEO

 Search Engine Optimization is a must for all business websites in order to get the sites crawled by search engine spiders of Google, Yahoo!, MSN, etc. WordPress offers some incredible plugins for this purpose. Plugins like SEO ultimate and All-in-one SEO can really put your website on the hunt in front of numerous visitors with ease. The plugins are quite easy to install and use.


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 2.  Themes

 Web designing plays an active role in the betterment of any business. A poorly designed website will never appeal to people. So, it becomes necessary to design your website with popular and mind-blowing themes that are available in various websites for WordPress. Some of the popular themes offered by WordPress include Brominerary Fashion Style, DeepFocus Responsive Business, etc. Installing these themes in the website would give your website an amazing visibility over your competitor websites.


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 3.  Social Media

Enabling your products’ interactivity with your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, etc. is a brilliant way to enhance business prospects. On implementing a social media widget in your website, your sales quotient increases dramatically. A few social media widgets widely preferred by many businessmen are Seth Godin Do, Popularity Contest, WP Greet Box, Disqus Comment System, Thank Me Later, Auto Social Poster, etc. On adding them to your website, your customer base becomes double and so your sales.


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 4.  Backup Plugins

The plugins for backing up your database of WordPress website are must have ones. Whenever your database collapses due to hackers’ attacks or technical problems, these are the saviors that help you to recover data in an effective way. Losing database is equal to losing customers. So, make use of this plugin to add more security to your database and website. BackUpWordPress is a popular plugin preferred by many.


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 5.  Search-friendly Plugins

Installing search-enabled plugins in the site would help customers search various products easily and effectively. Search Everything is a powerful product offered by WordPress for their users to search all kinds of stuffs conveniently without leaving the website pages.


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 6.  Google Analytics

Monitoring website traffic and popularity of keywords of your website is a hell of a task. In order to perform this task effectively for business promotions, WordPress comes up with interesting tools like Google Analytics for WordPress, which is a powerful plugin allowing you track the performance of the site efficiently each and every minute. Utilizing this tool, one can easily find their target audiences, as the analytics graph clearly reveals from which region your maximum number of product buyers hail from.


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7.  Event Management

Managing all the events of an online store is a difficult task. In order to overcome this hurdle, WordPress offers some incredible event management plugins like Event Espresso. With the easy to customize option and efficient event calendar, this plugin is one of the best plugins of all-time for various businesses. It helps to create, edit, and manage events effectively without any fuzz. Having a event calendar in the website is a best idea to display your products and services expeditiously before the customers.


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Hope, the information provided in this article is useful for many. Try the plugins discussed in this article to accelerate your business promotions.

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