How to Boost Your Bulk Messaging with Artificial Intelligence

bulk messaging with AI


In 2020, nearly every business is facing extraordinary challenges to their operations and overall ability to maintain customer connections. Investing in tech-driven solutions for everything from accurate responses through to newsletter mail-outs makes sense both for the current climate as well as the longer term. Brock Gratton espouses how AI creates a qualitative and quantitative impact saying, “Strengthen customer experience with your brand or business by sending the right content to the right people at the right time.”

This infographic from Cadoo is designed to expand on an area of communications that’s rapidly expanding. Still not convinced of the value of bulk messaging with AI? Consider this projection from Gartner that the chatbots niche of bulk messaging alone will help businesses save over $8bn a year by 2022! Read on for more facts, statistics and tips for how to use this tech to solve business problems.

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