Facebook Timeline Engagement Tips for Their New Feature


Before the long Memorial Day weekend, Facebook implemented a new feature that allows brand pages to more quickly and easily monitor their reach to fans. Previously brand could use the page admin panel to see what content is interesting to fans and understand the conversations surrounding each new piece of content. This new feature allows brands to view the percent of fans that are reached for each individual piece of content posted on their page. At the bottom of each post appears the percent of fans that have seen the post. It is no longer necessary for brands who want this information to have to calculate the percentage on their own from the insight section of their admin panel.

Facebook Timeline

According to Facebook, the average post on a brand page only reaches about 16% of its fans. This new feature, available to brand pages only, is a quick and easy way to see how many fans view what your brand posts and it can also help you decide what types of content to engage fans with in the future.

In this episode of the Future of Engagement, Murray Newlands takes a look at the recently released feature and discusses both the conversation surrounding it and what it can do for your brand.



  • New Admin Feature
  • Easily Accessible
  • Increases Engagement Optimization”

This graph was created using the social media monitoring tool Alerti. In this graph you can see the tone of response surrounding the new brand page feature. Most of the commentary is neutral, however almost a quarter of the commentary is positive. This shows the effectiveness of the feature for brand pages. Alerti is a great tool for bloggers since it lets them see what people are saying on certain topics through different social media platforms

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