Don’t waste your time in PR Rat Race : Should you?


We all are after Google PR. Site owners, web masters, bloggers, SEO analysts; even Google itself is giving Page Rank a high priority. It seems Google has commercialised this ranking parameter so well that almost a whole industry is surviving on it. PR has become a subject of business deal, especially when it comes to developing backlinks for your site.

 Well, let me put a couple of cases and my observations on PR mania.

  Case 1:

 Say, your business website has got PR 5 and it is doing well in terms of traffic volume. Now all of a sudden you make PR publicly invisible (Although site owners can see it after signing in to Google Webmaster central). It means if an internet user download Google Page Rank toolbar on his computer, he won’t see the actual Page rank of your site.

 Case 2:

 Say, your site does not have a PR in spite of the domain being 2-3 years old. You may have made every bit of effort to boost page rank, but somehow things are not going on your way.

What is the immediate after-effect?  How will your existing visitors react? What about new visitors to your site? Will your site remain attractive anymore?

 Page Rank


 Both the cases may pose a great concern about your site performance.

  • You may experience that webmasters and other site owners are no more interested on your site.
  • They may turn a deaf ear to your link development request
  • You may not see much people commenting on your blog
  • You may not earn good ad revenue from your site
  • You may not claim that your effort is on the right direction

On the whole you get a picture of being moved from the main frame of web world.

 So will you feel one-sided? The question itself is embarrassing. And, I don’t want to fuel it more.

Know the truth:

 There is no reason to feel bad for your site. Here are the reasons why?

1. Knowledge of PR is limited to some people:

 Only webmasters or people associated with web marketing are concerned about PR.  It is for marketing purpose only. In general a customer or a user does not know anything about Page Rank and its importance. They never bother to enquire how to check PR of a page.

 It means there is no concern from your customer or audience’s point of view. They are not at all affected by your site PR.

2. PR does not guarantee your site on Google’s top SERPs:

 A high PR is not a sole sign of site performance. Keyword ranking is important. If your site does not appear on top search engine result pages against good number of competitive keywords, there is no point screaming for PR. Although Google says that high PR sites are most likely to appear on top SERPs. But do you always find sites coming on top pages have high PR? No, it is not. Relevancy and viewership matter the most.

 Note Below: It is agreed that most of the top ranking sites are gifted with good PR and Google passes PR juice to other sites. But will it be of any good if you have collected backlink from a PR 5 health site for your automobile site? Will Google give it any value? It is never.

3. PR is not a permanent property:

 We all know how PR goes up and down now and then. You can’t ensure it for long time whatsoever effort you put into it. So, why scratch your head on something you can’t control ever. It is up to Google to decide your PR fate. You can just continue doing the best and leave rest of the things on algorithm makers.

 4. PR concept has led rise to spammers:

 Therefore it well understood that you must not eye on PR of a site when judging its quality or performance. It is meaningful for certain segment of people only who want to commercialize web marketing for all reason.

 In fact, it is Google who made PR publicly visible and then boosted up competition in the market. The objective was to promote “Page Rank” concept through Internet marketers and publishers and thus make huge profit from advertisers.

 However, later on Google realised it when spammers and money mongers started spamming high PR sites. Even today a good number of advertisers search for high PR sites only when it comes to paid links. They hardly care about relevancy, quality design, layout and domain age when compared to PR. This is nothing but doing mess up with authority websites.

 That is why many site owners have made their PR private to avoid spammers doing nuisance.

Lesson for you:

What do all these mean to you?

 We say

  • You create a website not just to build its PR (Page Rank) rather PR (Public Relations).
  • Look at the usability and quality aspects of a site, not its fluctuating page rank authority. It is important when you are buying links from other sites.
  • If you are managing a site emphasize on crucial factors like keyword ranking, social media engagements and visitor profiles.


 The bottom line is we should not discriminate websites based on their PR. It is neither technologically sound nor beneficial to web world by any means. PR-centric marketing willonly spoil organic SEO market. It will create monopoly and diffuse the actual value of PR.

 The ultimate sufferer will be audience like you and me who are only concerned about information. That is it.

If you want your website to make money for you, take disciplinary approach to build PR. It will only be possible when you are not over thinking on it. Overdoing anything is bad and there is a chance of fatal error as well.

If you realize it now, do spread this message among others who are still fighting PR battle. Help them understand the reality and the myth.  We must be accountable for being a part of WWW.

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