A Guide to Technical SEO Audits


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When it comes to digital marketing, technical SEO audits are perfect for boosting your website’s performance and search engine visibility. They will make sure your site follows top-notch technical practices- which will in return help you climb the ranks and deliver a smooth user experience- which in return will drive more people to your site. This guide will walk you through the must-know elements of technical SEO audits and share practical tips for webmasters and SEO pros.

Understanding Technical SEO Audits

Let’s start off by defining what this means, a technical SEO audit is basically a process that examines the technical aspects of your website to ensure that it aligns with search engine guidelines. This process involves analysing various elements such as your website’s speed, it’s mobile-friendliness, the crawlability, and so forth. So, by addressing these technical issues, you can not only improve your site’s performance but you help yourself in search engine ranking and boosting your visibility.

Key Components of a Technical SEO Audit

Website Speed Optimization

Slow-loading pages can really hurt your website by driving visitors away and reducing conversions. That’s why having a fast-loading site is so important. You can incorporate actionable tips like optimising images and videos, using browser caching, and minimising JavaScript and CSS files.


This is a non-negotiable! Because more people are browsing on mobile devices, making your website mobile-friendly becomes a necessity for success. Google’s mobile-first indexing means it treats the mobile version of your site as the primary one since most users check sites on their phones first. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to see how easily visitors can use your site on mobile, then make improvements based on the results.

Crawlability and Indexability

Search engines use bots to crawl and index your website content- creepy. If your site is tough to crawl, then it won’t be indexed properly which in return will be hurting your search visibility and directly impacting your brand’s market performance. To help search engines navigate your site, keep your XML sitemap up-to-date and submit it to them. 

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Security is a top priority for both users and search engines. An SSL certificate encrypts data transferred between your site and its visitors, providing a layer of security. Websites with SSL certificates are marked with “https://” in the URL and are favoured by search engines. This is a straightforward process that can save you so much hassle of missing clicks.

Structured Data

Security is super important for both your users and search engines. An SSL certificate encrypts the data exchanged between your site and its visitors, adding a layer of security. Sites with SSL are marked with “https://” in the URL and get a thumbs up from search engines. Plus, setting it up is easy and can save you from losing valuable clicks.

The Importance of Regular Audits

Keeping up with regular technical SEO audits is a must to keep your website running smoothly. The digital world is always changing, so what worked yesterday might not cut it today.


Nailing technical SEO audits is key for any business looking to boost its online presence. For those aiming for an edge, especially if you’re after SEO in London, staying on top of technical SEO is a no-brainer.

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