5 Things Every Successful Marketer Should Be Focusing On Right Now

marketer focus

Pexels – CCO Licence

It’s fair to say that the marketing world moves pretty fast, so even if you have been a huge marketing success it the recent past, it’s easy to get left behind if you aren’t careful and you don’t keep up.

That being the case, let’s take a look at five things you should be focusing on right now as a serious marketer.

1. Upstream Marketing

Upstream marketing might sound like something involving a kayak and a river, but it’s actually the opposite of reacting to whatever fire’s happening at the moment.So, what is upstream marketing? It’s about being proactive, not just fixing problems as they arise. Picture yourself as a marketing psychic, anticipating what your customers want before they even know they want it. Think product development, long-term strategy, and actually solving real issues for your audience.

Basically, if you’re still relying on chasing trends or trying to keep up with the latest marketing fads, you’re playing catch-up. Upstream marketing helps you get ahead of the game, meaning you’re not scrambling every time something goes wrong. Let’s be honest—no one looks cool when they’re scrambling.

2. Stop Chasing Viral Moments (Seriously, Stop)

Yes, we all love a viral post, but banking your marketing strategy on going viral is like planning your retirement around winning the lottery. Sure, it’s fun when it happens, but it’s rare. Instead, focus on building real, long-term relationships with your audience. Think content that connects, not just content that’s clickbait.

Here’s the truth: you don’t need a million views on a cat video to be successful (although, let’s be real, cat videos are great). You need to create content that’s helpful, interesting, and valuable to your specific audience. When you shift your focus from “going viral” to “creating value,” you’ll find that your audience sticks around for more than just a fleeting moment of internet fame.

3. Data

I know, data is about as thrilling as watching paint dry, but it’s time to embrace it. It’s not about crunching numbers until your eyes cross—it’s about understanding your audience in a real, actionable way. Are they actually reading your emails, or are they going straight to the trash bin? (Ouch, I know.) What kind of content do they engage with? What do they ignore?

Understanding your data lets you fine-tune your strategy and stop wasting time on things that don’t work. And no, you don’t need to be a data scientist. Just learn the basics—trust me, it’ll save you a lot of frustration (and embarrassment) when your next campaign flops.

4. Customer Experience (Because People Actually Matter)

You’ve probably noticed that customers these days expect a lot. They want personalized service, instant responses, and an experience that feels more like a friendship than a transaction. That means your focus should be on creating an experience that makes your customers feel like you’ve rolled out the red carpet for them.

If your emails are still coming off like “Dear Valued Customer,” it’s time to rethink that. Get to know your audience, personalize their experience, and for goodness’ sake, respond to their DMs before they ghost you.

5. Sustainability

In 2024, customers care about the environment, and if your brand isn’t paying attention, you’re going to get left behind. No, you don’t need to slap a “green” label on everything and call it a day. But incorporating sustainability into your marketing strategy—whether that’s reducing packaging waste, sourcing ethical materials, or simply being transparent about your efforts—can give your brand a serious edge.

Focusing on these five things right now will mean that you hit the spot and your marketing campaigns land, but remember not to rest on your laurels, and keep your finger on the pulse of what is hot and what is not in this industry because it changes so fast.

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